Logo Tickets
Please select your relevant payments from the drop down menu.
Vondove's Logo Tickets allow the rites to use a ticketed design as a logo for your business.
Please select your desired package from either the basic or comprehensive options.
The Basic Package:
Logo image in full colour, black and white, black, white, all with and without transparent backgrounds, and rites to business commercial use and distribution.
The Comprehensive Package:
Logo image in full colour, black and white, black, white, all with and without transparent backgrounds.
All of the above with added customised text options. Also a chosen customised colour variation. With the rites to business commercial use and distribution.
All down payments are non-refundable but are transferable (to a different design), all remaining payments are non refundable.
Please select your relevant payments from the drop down menu.
Vondove's Logo Tickets allow the rites to use a ticketed design as a logo for your business.
Please select your desired package from either the basic or comprehensive options.
The Basic Package:
Logo image in full colour, black and white, black, white, all with and without transparent backgrounds, and rites to business commercial use and distribution.
The Comprehensive Package:
Logo image in full colour, black and white, black, white, all with and without transparent backgrounds.
All of the above with added customised text options. Also a chosen customised colour variation. With the rites to business commercial use and distribution.
All down payments are non-refundable but are transferable (to a different design), all remaining payments are non refundable.
Please select your relevant payments from the drop down menu.
Vondove's Logo Tickets allow the rites to use a ticketed design as a logo for your business.
Please select your desired package from either the basic or comprehensive options.
The Basic Package:
Logo image in full colour, black and white, black, white, all with and without transparent backgrounds, and rites to business commercial use and distribution.
The Comprehensive Package:
Logo image in full colour, black and white, black, white, all with and without transparent backgrounds.
All of the above with added customised text options. Also a chosen customised colour variation. With the rites to business commercial use and distribution.
All down payments are non-refundable but are transferable (to a different design), all remaining payments are non refundable.